The Mommy Discount
Several times now I have inadvertently shoplifted. ... OK, it happens all of the time.
It starts innocently enough with me and two small kids and my purse filled with drinks and snacks, and ends with me coming home with things I didn't pay for in my bag or purse.
Usually I have catch these transgressions in the parking lot so I look for some matronly woman walking in and I tell her the story and ask her to drop it off at the customer service counter inside the door (at Target).
Recently, the five-finger discount has increased from Target to Kohl's when i found an unpaid for shirt in my Chick's bag several days later. I still have to go back to Kohl's on this. I didn't like the shirt anyway. Overpriced.
No alarms go off when I leave these stores. The odd thing is at Easter Babies R Us did not take off the security ink tags. I didn't notice til Easter morning when the large plastic discs were still attached to my son's sweater vest and my daughter's dress jacket. They still wore them to church and lunch after.
Did you ever get them off? Will your poor children be stuck with security tags forever? =)
yes, i took them back the day after easter and they logged it in some notebook like it happens all of the time.
Happy Mom's day, Jo!
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