
I am a new stay at home mom who used to have the instant gratification of working at newspapers for more than 15 years. some days i miss seeing my name in print. maybe this will help.

Friday, September 15, 2006

"Shhhh!" says my 3-year-old as we ready for bed, "Someone's in my room."
My husband was at work and my heart skipped a beat. "Who?" I said.
"God...Jesus too, He is in my bed."


Blogger Unknown said...

I hestitated to post on this only because I feel like the Comment Stalker ready to comment on very post ever.

But, this story reminded me of the time that Colin and I were walking into a restaurant. He pointed to the sky and said, "Look! Jesus is in the sky" Well, I about had a heart attack thinking the rapture was here and was I ready! I looked up and it was just one of those late afternoons where clouds are parted and you can see rays of light peeking through. Like you see in all the Jesus paintings.

Sometimes I think kids know things we don't!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Every post. Not very post. Sheesh!

1:02 PM  
Blogger joelle said...

i love your comments! keep them coming... i think kids are way more tuned in to the spiritual stuff.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Chickenone said...

This is my official request for you put up another post!

3:51 PM  

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